Shawn Pierre

I'm Shawn. I do game things. Here's a link to my

I help organize Philly Game Mechanics.

Email me if you want to talk.

@shawnpierre on Twitter.

Here's some stuff I've worked on.


What is this? It's a word search game! Spin the rings to make words! Coming out soon!


Puzzle game with birds and math and music. It's on Steam and

Choices Podcast

Choices is an interactive podcast where listeners can determine the course of the investigation. Listen to Season One.

Human Netrunner

Human: Netrunner is a multi-player living person gameĀ® real Humans try to hack into servers of Corporations which are trying to capture them using real nets.

Urban Werewolf Logo

Urban Werewolf

It's Werewolf, but without a human moderator and played with SMS texting.

Henka Twist Caper

Henka Twist Caper

In Henka Twist Caper, players must twist and turn their PlayStation Move controller until they find the correct orientation. When they find the sweet spot, their win meter will increase until full. Once full, they win!

The Island

The Island

A procedurally generated narrative game played using an Amazon Alexa.